happy new year!!
Happy new year to you, all the best in year 2012.
Sorry for the lack of post. The bf and I spent Christmas and NYE with our friends in LA. It was super nice and sunny, although still a bit chilly at night. We also did a lot of eating. And I mean A LOT OF EATING. I gained 4 lbs in one week. Proof enough for you? Hahaha. We pigged out, didn't hold back, whatsoever.
We also went to the San Diego Zoo. I heart :):):)
That was the first zoo I've ever visited after Ragunan. So yeah..I thought it was SUPER cool! We saw some koalas, my favourite animal of that day. They looked very cuddly and peaceful, even though I've heard nasty stories about koalas from our friends in Australia. Eek...
We also saw PANDAS!! Holy crap. If I were to be reincarnated, please let me be a panda. They're the happiest, most laid back animal. Sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat, play, poop, sleep, play, poop........
Anyway, we're off to eating at Salade de Fruit. More stories to come later!
Happy new year to you, all the best in year 2012.
Sorry for the lack of post. The bf and I spent Christmas and NYE with our friends in LA. It was super nice and sunny, although still a bit chilly at night. We also did a lot of eating. And I mean A LOT OF EATING. I gained 4 lbs in one week. Proof enough for you? Hahaha. We pigged out, didn't hold back, whatsoever.
We also went to the San Diego Zoo. I heart :):):)
That was the first zoo I've ever visited after Ragunan. So yeah..I thought it was SUPER cool! We saw some koalas, my favourite animal of that day. They looked very cuddly and peaceful, even though I've heard nasty stories about koalas from our friends in Australia. Eek...
We also saw PANDAS!! Holy crap. If I were to be reincarnated, please let me be a panda. They're the happiest, most laid back animal. Sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat, play, poop, sleep, play, poop........
Anyway, we're off to eating at Salade de Fruit. More stories to come later!