Why I start blogging again??
Ok everyone, I have a confession to make. Back in 2019, I made a pact with myself that I shall try to be more productive and minimize any shapes of procrastination in the new year of 2020. I am a planner for things that need planning, but my brain is also wired to constantly re-prioritize things in my head. So as soon as my brain decides that a particular thing is no longer high-priority, that thing automatically becomes the forgotten child (in a way) and while I will definitely get it done, it usually gets done a little last-minute.
Anyway, I decided to start easy with my 2020-goal, so I said to myself "hey, self, how about start blogging again?". Easy, right? That's what I thought. But as always, life gets in the way; and by "life", I mean work. I have been on an uphill battle with my work-self as I find it more and more difficult to switch off my work-brain and jump to my life-brain. Work-brain usually occupies about 80% of my total brain capacity, leaving very very very little brain power for my personal life. Bless my forever-boyfriend (now husband) for keeping up with me and being patient.
As part of restarting my blogging journey again, I also changed the name of my blog to craveability.blogspot.com, from the previous blog name which basically consisted of my full name as the blog address (I know.... not very creative). My goal is to turn this blog from a place where dump all my unfiltered thoughts and ramblings, to a media for documenting my travel journey. I figured one day in the future I will enjoy reading through my travel and eating journey.
Blogging is hard. Writing is hard. Taking pictures is hard. Making an interesting and inviting content is hard! So I realize that my blog will have a lot of flaws. I plan to learn more about blogging and to refine my writing skills through this blog. I appreciate your patience while I waddle through this online world yet again!
Cool! I hope that's enough of a background story :)
Forward and onward, to more stories about our travel and our eating journeys! I have been enjoying myself trying to write and update this blog. So I hope you can also enjoy it!